Expert Knowledge
If one thing we are extremely proud of is the deep knowledge that our experts have in the areas they work. In addition to knowledge, our experts have a tremendous hands-on experience. With no question, they are the best talent in their field.Single point of Contact
From the initial interactions, the gathering of information, the development of a solution, and its satisfactory implementation, our customers have always the same expert involved on every stage of the process. Being a single point of contact ensures that even the small details are taken in consideration all the time.Responsibility
As an employee owned company, we take each project with the maximum responsibility every time, because each one of us is not only professionally, but personally involved with the reputation and success of the company.Areas of Expertise
- Cybersecurity
- Application Development
- Network Infrastructure
- Data Center
- Customized Training
- International Expansion
- Business Integration
- Customer Relationship Management
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Financial Management
- Systems Management
- Technical Support
- Processes Management
- Linguistics
- Call Centers
At BINNACLE Consulting Group we firmly believe
that each customer deserves the best attention
at any time. That is why we make ourselves
accessible to our customers. We limit the amount
of projects in which an expert works to ensure
that there is always the ability to properly
serve our customers.
Goal Oriented
At BINNACLE Consulting Group, we help clients confront and overcome a broad range of technical and strategic challenges. At the heart of our ability to do so are the dedicated, experienced individuals who comprise our leading consulting team.
Our model implies that an area expert will always lead a team for any customer project, providing one relationship, one point of responsibility.
In a business environment that grows more complex and global every day,
our consultants are seasoned experts who not only 'talk the talk,
but can also walk the walk' and help your organization achieve its strategic goals.